Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Gerry Brooks Has Some Very Relatable Workout Advice

Gyms are reopening, and even though there are restrictions, it is like post-Christmas, into-the-New-Year-goal-setting, fit-getting time all over again. If you had made gains on the original New Year's health goals, there's a good chance Coronavirus has some kind of impact on that. Even for me, yes me, the die-hard college athlete. I didn't have a gym to go to either. My new squat max I had hit the week before leaving campus? Lol I'm back way down at least 20 pounds. Eating changed a lot, too. Shopping is harder, home meals differ from dining hall meals, and for some people, there are just not exercise or food options or motivation during lockdowns and closures. 
Things are changing. 
School was a mess for everyone everywhere, but never fear, Gerry Brooks is still here shining his common sense, humor, and wisdom over the web like usual.

This video I watched last week was not about school, but it was oh, so relatable to anyone who hits the gym. I highly suggest giving it a watch, but here's my recap on it:

You could be all trendy and fix your oatmeal in a jar to stick in the fridge to grab and go the next morning, but I am all about the oatmeal cookies. Cream cheese icing? There's your dairy, too.

And bernaners. The ultimate athlete food. Or a "bernaner split", that's how I do it, too, every night. "That gives you energy and a sweet treat." MY MOTTO

As for clothing, "I can't afford the Lululemons and the Fabletics, so I usually just wear a university shirt." SAME. Shoot, I couldn't even pronounce Lululemon until my professor (a man) told me how this semester. And Go Mocs.

Oh, and it might have a peanut butter stain on it, but that's okay because it's healthy peanut butter.
--Yeah, I'm kinda messy and have stains on my clothes, too...but they have good stories?

All these athletes are putting tape on, but it's very expensive (yeah, I had an injury this winter, and they couldn't give me tape to help me because it was too expensive. College athletics...it's not all people tend to hype it up to be; we struggle, too.) so you can use painter's tape so you look like you know what you're doing.
--I will admit my aunt and I wrapped my legs in tape when I was maybe five. But that was to try to rip all my hair off, but funny story anyways.


We see two types of coaches: the ones that feel bad for clients so they don't want to push them too hard, and the others who are trying to get them to lose weight. Both can be annoying so to get them off your case, carry around a tube of M&Ms, and when they come near you, shake it and fake a puff and breath deeply like "I can't talk," and they leave. Then again with the sweet treat!
--So, I'm going to be a personal trainer/coach soon, but I'm going to do my best not to be annoying! But I do have an inhaler, and it does work to not talk after you take a puff! You have to let it settle for a minute. Somehow people always try to talk to me at this time...same with Mom and my mouthwash. Some nodding and "mmhhm"s suffice.

To wrap up our hitting the gym message from GB, make sure you're eating something healthy, wearing something appropriate, and have something to get them coaches away!
(I'll make that last part more like do whatcha gotta do to get yourself through! The greatest wealth is health. Don't neglect that.)

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