Are we missing what God may have for us in His plan because we are too busy?
I watched a new Christmas Bible Study series on the Casting Crowns' YouTube channel titled "How Are You Making Room for Jesus This Christmas?" based on their new song with Matt Maher, "Make Room."
They were all short videos, but there was a great message behind each one. I could personally make a lot of connections to my own life, so I thought that I should share a few and the resources, so maybe you can see some applications to your life and family, too.
The first video was a simple yet strong challenge to simply change the focus of your home or atmosphere. It seems obvious, but thinking about it, it's huge. When I change the music I am listening to, Instagram and Twitter accounts I look to each day, the notes I leave myself on my phone and in my room or textbooks, the thoughts I have, the way I look at the world, it is a huge difference! Life seems better and calmer even when things are not that smooth and pretty chaotic.
Another point that I really liked to hear Mark Hall make in this intro video was that sure, we can still have all the fun holiday things, gifts, Santa, parties, songs, and whatever else, but we have to have Jesus first. That's what makes the difference.
The second video looked at the innkeeper. At first, while I was listening to him tell about Mary and Joseph's journey and the job of an innkeeper during this time with the census, I was wondering where he was going with that. But then it hit me. While people may look upon the innkeeper negatively because he turned Mary and Joseph away, he wasn't doing anything wrong; he wasn't a bad guy. He was just doing his job during the busiest working time of his life. So many people were traveling during this time, his guest rooms would have been in high demand. Mary and Joseph were just a couple more travelers, and there was no room. He was busy. And he missed out on being a part of one of the greatest plans God ever had.
Does this sound like your life sometimes? I can tell you that it is definitely my life many times! I am busy. Always busy. Mom gets frustrated with me because even in what could be some wonderful, relaxing times for me, I am busy with something. I never run out of things I could be doing. However, there are times, especially during the school year, that I am so busy I feel like I never sit down, and my brain is going on overdrive all day long, and I swallow my food whole like I haven't eaten in four days. Do I have time to open up my Bible? Time to take a deep breath and pray? I feel like I don't, but I do. I can make room. My inn may feel full, I can be doing lots of great things, but I can be busy and miss what God has in His plan for my life. Busy-ness isn't a sin in itself, but it can be a distraction for God's greater purposes right here in front of us. God can knock on a door, but He can't make us bring the opportunity inside.
In the third video, Mark talked about Jesus's life later on. People wanted rid of Him. He challenged the way the world worked, went against the status quo, He got in the way of how people wanted to live their lives and do religion. Why don't we always make room for Jesus? Because it gets in the way of how we want to do things in life. It's a challenge to our routines.
The final video made me smile as he told of his family's tradition of reading the Christmas story from Luke 2, because that's what my family always does as well. The Hall family has a nativity scene that sounded similar to what we also had on display, but they added a unique twist to both sharing the story and using the nativity. The parents would take the pieces and hide them throughout the house before the kids were up, then they would have a sort of Easter egg hunt with the pieces. Each person would have the piece(s) he or she found, and as they read the story from the Bible, each person would talk about it from the character's or animal's point of view. Imagine being a part of THE Christmas story! We may not be able to be a part of the birth of Christ, but we can be a part of many other miracles and once-in-a-lifetime opportunities that God has in His story ever day.
So I am using this series as a challenge to myself when I get in the Christmas spirit in the future, as well as every day, to pause in what I am doing to breathe, pray, take my mind off of myself for a minute, and see what God may be trying to get me to see. I may feel like I can't slow my progress or I'll fall apart or behind, but God will take care of that. We have to look to Him first, then we will see.