Friday, March 13, 2020

National Rare Disease Day & Leap Day

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As you may know from my various pages and posts, I love to celebrate and create. With my semester internship for both of my majors (Communications and Sport, Outdoor Recreation, and Tourism) with UTC Athletics Communications, I am getting to do a lot of fun things with our social media, website, and events/coverage. One of my favorites that I am personally connected to is running the track and cross country instagram page. I am always looking for new and exciting things to share to help improve our content, and the weekend of indoor conference had plenty of opportunities! There was the biggest indoor meet of the season, of course, leap day, and National Rare Disease Day! 

Our team has a partnership with Team Impact and a little boy named Levi, so we did a video to share about our connection with him!
I won't be redundant, so you can watch the clip above!
Thanks to Katie Smith and Anne Wehunt for some of the pictures; Sophia, Ashlynd, and Nicole for being in the video, and NeedToBreathe for writing some great songs.

If you want to see, share, or save it on the Tube, here is the link to the video on my YouTube channel.

This one is another part of my internship for the semester, but it is more on the goofy side! It was pretty fun to make and participate in, and shout out to Madelyn in the opening clip for being a real jumper (also does long jump and sprints, but not in the video) for getting all-freshman team at the meet! I used TikTok to make it, and I am still learning how to make those videos better, but it is tons of fun. If you have any tips, let me know! And give me a follow @makenziejones97