Saturday, May 5, 2018

Will Reap a Harvest


"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially the body of believers." Galatians 6:9-10

Today's world is more demanding that ever. There are just way too many things pulling our time, energy, and attention in too many directions all at once. It's no wonder that we are all so stressed out and worn down. We can all fall guilty to being consumed by the world. It's part of being human. We lose sight of the simple things that matter most. We get so caught up in doing that we miss out on being. As life has really worn me down at times over the past year, getting back to the root of life is what fills me and helps me keep going. No matter where I am or what I am doing, there is purpose in it. I can find a way to serve God in any situation. He is in control and has us wherever we may be for a reason. We are in a spot that no one else is, and that is where we are to serve. While it may not be where you would put yourself, the goal is the same no matter what or where. Do good. Be that light of the Lord; bloom where you're planted. His blessings will come when we stop striving for more and are satisfied with where we are. His timing may not be when we would ask, but it is always best. Patience is hard, but it is worth it for his prize.

Yesterday evening after a draining week and especially draining day at work, all I wanted to do was sit down and rest. Seeing this first little bud of my plant filled my heart with some kind of simple pleasure. It reminded me of what I've been telling myself when I am worn down. I am here to serve the Lord. He will take care of me and give me the energy to do what He calls me to do. Today's devotion was on the passage in Luke 12, one verse saying that if God provides for the grasses to grow, how much more will He provide for us? We don't have to worry, but only trust Him. Everything else will come.

So when you feel drained or discouraged, remember that God knows your problems, your heart, your intentions; He loves and appreciates you even if it feels like no one else notices or cares. He rewards in ways that no one or thing on earth can, and that makes all the difference.

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