Friday, October 16, 2020

Work, Worry, Rest--Work Hard AND Sleep Well

Desiring God: Good Men Work Hard and Sleep Well

Right now it is hard for even the historically workaholics to keep trudging on. Maybe we do, but the motivation behind it is falling. I'm having times like that for sure. Overwhelmed with school and worried about the uncertainty of each day and the weeks and months ahead compounds becoming weary. This is when I need to stop and reevaluate where my head and heart are.

"Always stand firm; let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." 1 Corinthians 15:58


"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as if working for God, not men." Colossians 3:23


When the work seems monotonous, overwhelming, dreadful, think about if it is something you must do or something you make yourself do. If God brought you to it, He will bring you through it. There is a purpose. You are there to do something for Him. You may not be able to see it, but let the promise that your work for Him is never useless be a driving force to carry on. 


Maybe you're having hours and hours of zoom meetings. You can shed a positive attitude. 

Discussion boards: maybe throw in a comment about having prayed for something that came to pass, a Bible verse as a reference, telling a classmate you're praying for them, in an "about you" type thing, don't be afraid to say you like to read your Bible--no joke there are actually tons of ways, even in online classes, that opportunities to tell about your faith will come up.  

At the office, post a Bible verse on your door.

Be responsive, respectful and encouraging in emails.

Pray for those around you. This will not only benefit them because God always listens, but it will help your heart get in a better perspective, too.


Anytime, smile or wave. Hold a door. Pay it forward. Give a small treat. Talk to the person next to you in line at Starbucks or the grocery store. Maybe you're the only person to contact them today. Pray. Reach out. The little things right now are huge in people's lives that you may never realize.


Even if you don't see how your actions matter, God does, and He is able to magnify our efforts into a meaningful big picture.


This section really hit me, so I just screenshotted it and...well, read. 


"Many of us need to trust God enough to work less."




I am always going. I've had to learn to stop. I can't do it all. When I try to keep going, I depend on myself more and more and God less and less, then what do you know, I fall apart. When I fail, it is all my fault because, well, I was the only one working. But when we trust in God to guide us to the right things, take care of the things we can't (or maybe can but shouldn't) control, He does amazing things.


Example: As I've mentioned, overwhelmed with work. Also tired, mentally and physically. Dedicated to taking naps and daily Bible time. MUCH prayer to "Lord please help me through this" and the like. Still able to run 13 miles at a 7 minute pace and increase my lifts in the weight room (physical) and haven't missed an assignment yet (mental). ---NOT bragging on me, bragging on God. I daily think how I am inadequate and undeserving to be able to keep functioning and relatively succeeding at this, but it is always because somehow God comes through and gives me some extra time or a grade I was not expecting.


Trusting Him to take care of the things we can't not only helps us in the day but also in the night, which then turns and helps us in the day. If we are so worried about what we personally can't control or the amount of work ahead, we will lie awake at night thinking about it, worrying, how will I do this, rather than trusting God to do it and go to sleep. Now I know this is much easier said than done. I do it all the time. But one of the best ways to get a better nights' sleep is to pray. If it's in God's hands when we go to sleep, He will still be holding it when we wake up. And He still works while we sleep.

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