Sunday, July 27, 2014

Missions from Morristown

No, it's not Christmas time yet, but it will be before you can have time to sit down. No lie. Especially for me. So don't let yourself get caught up in life and forget to buy your items and pack your shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child!
(Almost) Time to get in the seasonal spirit!
Here from Morristown Food on Foot, we also have three more days to buy and bring Poptarts for hungry kids in our community as school is starting back up. It may help them be more motivated to get up and go if they know they will have something sweet to eat when they wake up. 
This guy from our church is making a big leap of faith!  Please pray for Daniel as he prepares to head to South Asia to spread God's love with so many who know nothing (and some who want nothing) of Him. 
Remember that you don't always have to get involved with preexisting missions; create your own!  Every little bit for the Lord makes a big difference.

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